
My Husband Rocks

I saw a T shirt today that says, My Husband Rocks! That slogan has stuck in my mind through out the day. Do I believe my husband rocks? Do I let him know that he rocks? Do I show others that my husband rocks?

Rocks? What does that really mean? Rocks? I think that means Rocks my world. Does he turn my heart when he still comes in, does he turn sour into sweet, does he make me melt in his arms? Yes, Yes, Yes to all three. My husband rocks. Gregg works many hours with his job and I find myself waiting for the phone to ring to hear his voice saying that he is on his way home. I can count the minutes till he walks in the door. My home is not complete until he is there. He is always looking for solutions when I have a problem. I have had to learn that is his way of loving me. I use to want him to just listen to me whine and not give solutions, but after 20 years of marriage, I realize that is his way of loving me. Helping me find a solution and not stay in my pitty. And, yes, I melt in his arms. I love when he come up behind me and wraps those long arms around me. That is peace on earth.

Do I tell him often how he Rocks my world? I tell him often that I love him..... hmmm is that the same? Maybe not. Our husbands need to hear why we love them. They need to hear that we appreciate the things that they do and why we appreciate them. This is so hard, especially if we have a full house of kids and activities to stop and let him know he is a Rock in your world and he is appreciated. Men need to feel they are being recognized for their efforts to provide for the family. Not national recognition, but from the ones that love him. He needs to know that he Rocks your world.

When I am with my girlfriends, do I lift up my husband or tear him down? Wow, it is so easy to get on the bandwagon of bashing our husbands. Don't do it!!! Don't jump on. It is not worth the damage that it might cause. You need to be your husbands #1 fan. If you are not, you need to intentionally do it. It is a mind set. Don't brag to your friends, but have a sweet spirit when talking about your husband. Dirty laundry stays in the laundry room. Don't air it out with others.

With Father's day coming this weekend, what a great time to practice telling your husband he Rocks and why. This is an easy one. If he is not a father, still honor him as being a leader in your home. Honor him as being the provider for your family, a Rock in your world. Let him know what a big void it would be if he was not there.

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