
Can't get any better than this

It is Saturday, in the middle of July and it is 72 degrees at 4 p.m. My husband is off the whole weekend and we went shopping!!!!. I don't think it could get much better than this. Today has been one of those days that we have just enjoyed hanging out. We woke up without an alarm clock ring in our ears, talked for a little while before getting up and then got up leisurely. I made breakfast for us. Gregg loves grits (southern to the bone), eggs and bacon. So I attempted to make the grits for him. I love to cook but for some reason, I can not fix grits. The grits are even the minute grits. I think it is a mental block.

Around 11:30 a.m. we headed out to the mall to visit a couple of stores and then to drop by and see our daughter at work. We went to a game store, Apple store, S&K mensware (which is closing so we purchaed a suit for $63.00 yeah! ) and then he went to the golf store while I visited a craft store.

Today was a great day because it has been forever since we were able to just hang out. With Gregg's schedule we rarely get a full day of just time with each other. We are heading out tonight to a couples home to have a bon fire and play cards. This will be a great way to end the day.

I look for these days don't you? It is like they don't come very often but when we get them we want to milk them for every minute. These are the days that make small memories. Ones that you really don't have huge stories to tell about but ones that connect you even more to your mate. Time is the best gift you can give each other.

Have a great Saturday!

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