
Adults only Romantic Bedroom

If you are like me, our bedroom is one of the last places that I spend my time decorating or even cleaning. I am lucky if I get a new comforter set once ever 4-5 years. It has not been one of my priorities until lately.

We have always made it very clear and evident to our children that our marriage relationship is very important and priority but as far as making our bedroom a place of refuge, that has not been a priority. Budget wise, the master bedroom should to. My view on the home is, you didn't (or shouldn't)buy your home for show, you bought it to meet your needs and desires. Your master bedroom should be one of the main rooms in the house for you and your spouse.

Here are a few things that I am putting into place to make our bedroom a place that we want to spend time in.

  1. Clean the room! That is yelling at me. I am the worlds worst to come in at night and change clothes and the next morning the clothes still be draped where I left them. Or I will blow dry my hair in the bedroom and leave the hair products out on the dresser. Now, my husband is bad about having a stack of books laying around, you know the ones that he plans on reading. (the only part he reads is the dust messages that we leave lol) Cleaning the bedroom will make us sleep and rest so much better.

  2. Throwing away items that you don't need anymore. I am just visualizing my room right now. I see things on my dresser that is like, perfume bottles that I have not worn in years, papers that no longer is needed and yes, a lamp that is sitting in the corner that no longer works. Get rid of it. Clean out! While I am cleaning out, I am going to clean the drawers out also. I have some gowns that I know is not pleasing to my mate. You know, the knee length cotton (with sleeves) gown with a character printed on it. Get rid of items that need to be tossed that you wear also.

  3. Rearrange the furniture and add a splash of color. I don't like how the bed is positioned in our room right now. It splits the room in half. Our room is a mustard gold and black accents with a cherry bedroom suit. I am trying to add splashes of color throughout the room with red.

  4. Making our bed special. I love my bed. My husband bought my bedroom suit for me. We were away for a marriage conference and he arranged for the suit to be delivered and set up. I love my bed. But it is needing a face lift with new pillows. Make your bed a place that you want to go.

  5. I want a dimmer switch for my lights and darkening blinds for the windows. I have candles throughout the room and in the bathroom but I want to add an element through the lights and keeping the sunlight out on days that we want to just stay in bed. I know the dimmer switches are not expensive so that is on my short list.

  6. Tell you history in some of your decorations. Place pictures, special cards, etc through out your room that tells your love story. I have found a few of the letters that my husband wrote me when we were in high school. Shh.... I am going to have a couple framed for us to put in our room. I am so excited.

I am so determined to make our room the place in the house that my husband and I desire to be in. A room that we can retreat to and feel comfortable and relaxed and a room that we desire to share our love in. Tell me your ideas on how you have made your bedroom a place of retreat. We are looking at our decorating budget. I think our bedroom should have just as much priority to decorate as the family room. If the family room can have new paint, then

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