
For Adults Only!

Is your bedroom for adults only? I know when I had small children, they would start out in their bed and then move into ours before the sun rose. Our youngest son would always come and climb in the bed with us every morning around 4 a.m. It was like an internal alarm clock that he had in his body. I really think he walked in his sleep because he would not miss a beat with going back to sleep once he was snuggled beside me.

A funny story, our dear friends were visiting our home. We didn't have a guest bedroom at the time so we let the couple stay in our bedroom. We stayed on the couch in the living room. My son was still young at the time. Just like clockwork, 4 a.m. came and our son found his way to the bedroom. Let me add, he was around 7 yrs old. He went to my side of the bed like always and climbed in. My dear friend, just moved over and let him in. She knew he did this but she didn't want to embarss him. But, when morning came, eyes opened and our son realized, that he wasn't laying beside his mom. He jumped up and ran! We have laughed several times about how he snuggled with the wrong mom.

It is so hard to set boundries with your children when they are young. As a mom, you love and desire that snuggle time with your child. You desire to feel needed and wanted by your children. But on the other hand, what is it doing to your married life? If you know your child is a roamer at night, or even starts out in the bed with you, are you able to be free and comfortable with your mate? No, because we don't want to "scar" our children with them seeing something that they would not really understand.

You need to guard your bedroom. Guard it in a way that lets your mate know that the bed room is your marriage sanctuary that you only share with him. You need to create a space and atmosphere that you and your mate can be open and comfortable to enjoy and not feel worried that it is going to be invaded. This invasion could be from children, pets, and the dreaded clothes draped on the bed. Create a bedroom that reflects your love for your mate. Don't create a bedroom that holds toys, and items that you just don't know what to do with it.

This is something that was hard for me as my children was young. I had to recreate our bedroom after we finally (at the age of 8) told our son to go back to bed everytime he came in the room. My husband or I would walk him back to his room at first and make sure he was ok. But as I look back, I realize what a difference it has made in my marriage since I have created a room that is just for my husband and I.

Talk with your husband, pull out paint colors, fabric, pictures, baskets, etc and create your dream bedroom that you will feel sexy, loved and comfortable in. Work toward creating it piece by piece. Take out items that don't belong. This is one room in the house that you only share with your spouse.

Tomorrow, I am going to be writing about how to create that space that is just for you and your spouse. Can't wait to hear your ideas.

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