
Is Your Family Always Going in Different Directions?

Is your family like mine? We are always going in different directions. My husband works a crazy schedule which is some days and some nights. My daughter works two jobs right now while on break from College plus she is very social. My son is involved in summer basketball and friends. I feel like I am just trying to keep up with everyone and trying to hold our family in place.

I sometimes feel like I am the only one out of the 4 of us that wants to have family time. I feel like everyone is so busy that they forget that we are family. Well today, I texted my daughter and said, that I wanted to plan a family day next weekend and needed suggestions. Within 2 minutes, she texted back and said, "oh fun, let's go to the movies". I called my husband and told him what I was planning, and he said."that sounds like fun, plan it all and I will be there" I told my son and this doesn't sound like much but for a 16 year old this is huge, he said, "cool".

So after just a little bit of planning, suggestion and organizing, my family within 20 minutes reassured me that we are family and we still enjoy spending time together. Maybe I need to do this on a regular basis to where I don't get to the point of wondering if anybody cares.

Learn from my feelings being worn on my shoulders, family time is still needed and your family still wants to do it, maybe they just need you to plan it. Families are so busy these days. But families stay strong because they spend time with each other and by spending time with each other they draw closer to each other. Keep that bond strong.

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